Promo - 1-Pack PD120 Blood Pressure Support Supplements, Black Garlic Extract with COQ10

Sale price$34.95

PD120 Blood Pressure Support Supplements, Black Garlic Extract with COQ10

  • PD120 Features Pure Odorless Black Garlic and OMEGA 3 Which are Known for Their Beneficial Effects
  • Comprehensive: Our Blood Pressure Support Supplement is expertly crafted with a blend of Black Odorless Aged Garlic, CoQ10, and Omega-3, ingredients known for their beneficial effects on the circulatory system. Support your circulatory health naturally with each potent capsule.
  • Advanced Formula for Balance: Infused with L-Theanine and Vitamin D3, our supplement is designed to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels within the normal range. Embrace a balanced approach to blood pressure management with the added support of Beta Cyclodextrin for enhanced ingredient absorption.
  • Holistic Wellness Support: Experience the synergistic benefits as our Omega-3-rich supplement promotes and contributes to overall wellness. Dive into a daily routine that supports your body's natural systems for a healthier you.
  • Guided by Nature, Backed by Science: Each ingredient, including the powerfully calming L-Theanine, is selected for its effectiveness and safety, creating a formula that's in harmony with your body's needs. Our supplements are a testament to our commitment to combining the best of nature with scientific research.
  • Quality You Can Trust: Manufactured in the USA with the utmost care, our Blood Pressure Support Supplements adhere to strict GMP standards and are 3rd party tested. We ensure our product is non-GMO and formulated with globally sourced, premium ingredients for quality assurance that sets a standard.

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Power Packed Ingredients That Help Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure


Coq10 is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. It helps lower Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure. It supports heart and vascular health. Coq10 is in every cell in our body and we cannot survive without it.


Derived from green tea helps boost nitric oxide in the blood which dilates blood vessels to let the blood flow easily reducing blood pressure. It also calms the mind and body, reducing blood pressure.


Cyclodextrin Helps increase HDL cholesterol and decrease triglyceride blood levels improving blood pressure. It also helps nutrients absorb better in the body.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body and improves cardiovascular health and better circulation helping to reduce blood pressure.

Black Odorless Garlic

Black odorless garlic helps to reduce blood pressure by preventing the production of angioten, and enhancing the production of Nitric Oxide to reduce blood pressure. In studies it was found to be as effective as medication.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 keeps blood vessels lining flexible and healthy. Adequate levels of D3 are cruical for managing blood pressure.


Beetroot contains nitrates which convert to nitric oxide which widen blood vessels improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn berry reduces blood pressure by dilating blood vessels which improves blood flow to and from the heart.

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