How to Prepare Effectively For Your Next Blood Pressure Test
In this age of web technology and information, it is difficult to assess exactly what information is accurate and what information just isn’t. When it comes to blood pressure and information pertai...

What are the causes of High Blood Pressure?
A common problem among U.S. adults is high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the measure of how forcefully blood pushes against the walls of a blood vessel. High blood pressure is dangerous because...

What will happen if High Blood Pressure is left untreated?
Everyone knows that high blood pressure, or hypertension is bad for your body. Unfortunately, hypertension can damage your body years before symptoms ever become noticeable.

Who’s at Risk of Getting High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects 68 million Americans, and it is the leading cause of strokes and heart attacks. Do you have high blood pressure, or are you at risk of getting it? Lear...

High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease
According to the Centers for Disease Control, deaths from high blood pressure have increased over the last 15 years by over 20 percent. This is an interesting statistic because deaths from heart di...

What is Normal Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is an indicator for many different things regarding one’s health. Specifically, it can show you whether or not you are at risk for heart attack, stroke or other illnesses.