Healthy Blood Pressure

3 Secret Ingredients That Will Help You Beat High Blood Pressure

Beet Juice to Lower Blood Pressure

Fighting high blood pressure is not a simple process that can be done overnight; in fact, restoring healthy blood pressure and maintaining these healthy blood pressure levels requires lots of dedication, perseverance and patience for an extended period of time as it takes a considerable amount of time to reverse the damage we’ve inflicted on our bodies.

While maintaining healthy blood pressure levels requires significant lifestyle changes, there are certain foods or ingredients that are known to help patients with hypertension. In this article we will discuss three secret ingredients that will help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels and that are easily available to you either naturally or in the form of a natural blood pressure supplement, like PD120.

Beet Juice to Lower Blood Pressure

Beet Juice is one of those foods that for a long time has been considered a “superfood” due to the multiple benefits it offers to patients; especially those patients who are currently struggling with hypertension or who have normal blood pressure levels but bounce back and forth between prehypertension and hypertension. But how exactly does beet juice help people restore healthy blood pressure?

Beet juice is packed with nitrates, these nitrates are one of the main compounds in charge of regulating blood pressure, by ingesting more and more of these nitrates, and you’ll be helping your body produce more nitric oxide, facilitating the efficient regulation of blood pressure. The nitrites found in beet juice will also help patients with increased levels of energy which means that this extra energy can be spent doing things that can further improve your blood pressure level like cardiovascular exercise or weightlifting. The effectiveness of beet juice when it comes to reducing the risk of suffering heart conditions that stem from increased blood pressure levels has been well documented in several studies. A recent study conducted by post-graduate students at the Queen Mary University of London revealed that in a group of 64 patients, the group that regularly consumed beet juice had shown a steady decrease in their blood pressure levels and that patients who continued the treatment for a long period of time showed healthier blood pressure levels than those who didn’t .

Carrots to Lower Blood Pressure

Carrots are perhaps one of the earliest versions of “superfoods” that date back to the start of the century when food scientists discovered the benefits of consuming large amounts of Vitamin A. And while perhaps these claims were initially exaggerated by farmers and the agricultural industry, there is no denying that carrots are packed with Vitamin A, which is not only good for our vision, our immune system and our cells in general, but Retinoid and Beta-carotene (the two varieties of Vitamin A found in food) have been proven to be an excellent anti-oxidant that can help patients with high blood pressure neutralize free radicals in the body that can lead to cell irritation, high blood pressure, cancer and other conditions that can prove to be fatal if left untreated. Beta-carotene is also very famous for helping patients with coronary artery disease; a serious disease that can severely impact the function and life of our blood vessels and our heart and that can ultimately lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

Omega Fatty Acids to Lower Blood Pressure

Another “superfood” that has massively increased its popularity in recent times due to the discovery of a multitude of benefits that these fatty acids can bring to your body. When it comes to maintaining healthy blood pressure, we need to focus on 3 fatty acids, which are Omega-9, Omega-6 and Omega-3. The first fatty acid on our list; Omega-9 is an unsaturated fatty acid that is known for offering several health benefits. They mainly play a huge role in heart health by removing cholesterol and plaque build-up in the arteries. The second fatty acid on our list, Omega-6 can be found in all kinds of nuts and seeds, though we recommend regulating the amount of seeds that you consume because they are usually seasoned with large amounts of salt and other condiments rich in sodium. Omega-6 plays an essential role in heart health by regulating activity and increasing the quality of the blood by removing saturated fats from the bloodstream. Finally, Omega-3, which is perhaps the most popular fatty acid, plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy metabolism and regulating the amount of electrolytes and their effectiveness in our bodies. In fact, studies have shown that adding a steady supply of Omega-3 to your diet can help lower your risk of coronary disease and heart attacks, especially in those people with a family history of heart disease.

Natural Blood Pressure Supplements

In many cases, it is necessary to take a natural blood pressure supplement to help stabilize blood pressure levels. PD120 is a natural supplement that helps to maintain healthy blood pressure. It is made of compounds and elements that are naturally occurring in the body and there are no negative side effects. With PD120, you may see results in as short as 10 days.

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5 Things You Can Do To Restore Healthy Blood Pressure
What Exactly is Hypertension?

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