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Healthy Blood Pressure

Is High Blood Pressure Hurting Your Head?

Does your mind feel foggy? Do you have a difficult time understanding what’s going on? You may have high blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure is known to fog your brain. If your blood pressu...

10 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Those who have hypertension are encouraged to discuss their health with a licensed physician. Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and exercise can assist in stabilizing blood pressure.

3 Exercises for a Healthy Heart

As adults age heart health becomes essential for living a long healthy life. According to the American Heart Foundation 1 in 3 Americans die from heart disease, most are over the age of 50.

Reduce Blood Pressure Levels

For a long time, you’ve been hearing about how to be healthier. Eat this new fad food, not that one; do CrossFit; take this 30-day challenge. But what happens when being “healthier” isn’t enough? W...

How to Control High Blood Pressure

Over the course of the last 15 years, deaths from blood pressure-related illnesses have increased by over 20 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Many doctors are attributing this...

High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control, deaths from high blood pressure have increased over the last 15 years by over 20 percent. This is an interesting statistic because deaths from heart di...