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Healthy Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure Raises Risk of Heart Failure

The dangerous thing about hypertension is that most people don’t have any side effects. You feel fine and go-on with your everyday routine not knowing you can be at risk of heart failure.

Protein May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Finding out you have high blood pressure levels can scare you at first. Many questions race through your mind and you often wonder if you will be ok. Millions of Americans have hypertension, or hig...

High Blood Pressure & Low Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and low blood pressure is experienced by people every day. Your first step is learn your blood pressure level. Optimal blood pressure is considered less than 120 systolic pressu...

Do You Actually Have High Blood Pressure?

The words “your blood pressure is elevated” are not something you want to hear coming from your doctor. But for millions of Americans diagnosed with hypertension, this is exactly what they hear.

Making Sense of Blood Pressure Medicine

Stabilized blood pressure is essential to living a healthy life. This important part of your health often goes unnoticed and even forgotten about. However, it is something that truly needs to be fo...

Tasty Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure

Having high blood pressure can feel scary. The moment your doctor tells you that changes need to be made to have healthy blood sugar, most patients begin to feel overwhelmed.